Le Bureau

Le Bureau Morbi placerat imperdiet risus quis blandit. Ut lobortis elit luctus, feugiat erat vitae, interdum diam. Nam sit amet arcu vitae justo lacinia ultricies nec eget tellus. Curabitur id sapien massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer tristique leo consectetur libero pretium pretium. Nunc sed mauris magna. Praesent varius purus id turpis iaculis iaculis. Nulla convallis magna nunc, id rhoncus massa ornare in. Donec and feugiat sem, ac rhoncus mauris. Quisque eget tempor massa.
"Today, on the 39th anniversary of the genocide of 8,000 men in the Barzan region, we pay tribute to the souls of the victims of Anfal and we remember them with the greatest dignity and the most great respect. We salute their families and loved ones who endured a very difficult and bitter life after this murderous mass crime, and we salute the thousands of mothers who, alone, assumed the duty of raising their children. All the crimes and tragedies in history have failed to break the will and the resistance of the Kurdish people. Today, on this occasion, so